Monday, February 27, 2012

Franklin and Science and Dinosaurs....OH MY!

Last year we tried to read a book for school called Dinosaurs of Eden. That went over like a lead balloon. The Franklin Institute named after and for Benjamin Franklin is in the city and not a far drive from my house. We had to go see the dinosaur exhibit.
We all learned a lot, yes there will be a little quiz tomorrow in school just to make sure we learned some basics of dinosaurs. It is incredibly difficult for little minds to fully wrap around millions of years. It's hard for me to as an adult.

The Triassic Period (250-208 Million Years Ago)
In this period of time all the continents formed one gigantic land mass called Pangaea and there was one gigantic ocean called Panthalassa.

The Jurassic Period (208-144 Million Years Ago)
During this time our big land mass separated in two forming Gondwana in the South and Laurasia in the North. It is believed to be rainy during this time, hot and humid. The perfect conditions for plants and greens to grow.

The Cretaceous Period (144-65 Million Years Ago)
It is believed during this period the continents we have now were formed. Not formed but became the shape they are now. (North and South America, etc).

It is believed that an asteroid made impact with the earth. More can read about this here

I as a Christian do not believe in evolution. I 100% believe in Creation. I do believe that God told Adam & Eve to replenish. Re..... I do strongly believe that dinosaurs are not a "myth".

Here are the dinosaurs that were a part of the exhibit. They basically follow the time periods above so I will put a "T" "J" or "C" beside their names.

Dilophosaurus "T"

Plateosaurus "T"

Lufengosaurus "T"

Bellusaurus "J"

Mamenchisaurus "J"

Brachiosaurus "J"

Amargasaurus "C"

Monotophosaurus "C"

Tuoliangosaurus "C"

Giganotosaurus "C"

Mapusaurus "C"

Some randoms:

1. Meat eaters not as large as vegetarians.

2. The meat eating dinosaurs outlived the vegetarians.

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